Donor Levels

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If you are able to give a little more, we invite you to become a Friend or Founder. With your support, we start something new that builds a legacy of experiential and creative education for our children in downtown. Friends and Founders are invited to an annual community gathering to further honor our growing community.

Founders’ names will be permanently installed on a Experiential School of Greensboro Founders Sculpture to be placed in the school’s lobby. Gifts above $10,000 are eligible for naming opportunities.

Friends Donor Levels

Families: $100
“My children merit a holistic education”
Downtown Sponsors: $250
“Children have a place in our downtown”
Education/Community Sponsors: $500
“Our community deserves excellence for its children”

Founders Donor Levels

Supports the downtown partnerships that connect our students with our community.
Supports curricular resources to spark creativity and community-engaged work.
Supports media labs and other special resources taught by educators and artists who believe in experiential education and inspire the kind of curiosity that encourages students to expand their learning beyond the school.
TESG’s mission in fostering holistic learning and spaces built upon critical engagement that gives young people a significant advantage in a world requiring many  different skills.

If you are interested in donating at the Friends or Founders level, you can contribute by clicking the button below or contact Dr. Leila Villaverde at
