
General Notes on Transportation

At TESG, we focus our resources on teacher quality and a safe facility, rather than providing transportation for all students on school buses. All parents who can provide transportation to and from school are asked to do so. However, we know that bus transportation is crucial to making TESG a truly viable option for all Triad families, and so bus service is available for families who cannot provide transportation to/from school. Please note early dismissal must pick up by 2:30pm and cars can not start stacking in the afternoon before 3:00pm.

Need more info? Read the full transportation plan here.

Car Riders

The majority of our children arrive at and leave school in cars. All adults picking up children in cars will need authorized pick-up cards. These will be distributed the first day of school. 

Morning car line is single stacked. Afternoon car line is double stacked. The car line begins on S. Lyndon Street. Please approach the school from the north and queue down S. Lyndon Street, turning right onto Hughes, and then left into the parking lot. Please do not approach the school for drop off or pick up from any other directions. Our neighboring businesses have asked us to remind drivers to not block parking lot entrances while queuing. 

Upon entering the parking lot, turn left to loop around the parking lot to the loading/unloading zone. Please see the next section for loading and unloading procedures.

After loading or unloading, please continue forward and turn left to exit the parking lot onto Hughes. From there, you may turn left or right onto S Church Street.

car rider line


Carpooling is strongly encouraged, and TESG will gladly help families form carpool groups. Please remember that carpooling drivers will need authorized cards for all children they are picking up. 

Public Transportation

Most GTA buses run through the Depot, which makes using the public transit system potentially very convenient for families. 


We encourage families who live or work close enough to the school to walk to do so. Walking families should approach the school through the S. Church Street playground gate and walk their child to the lobby door. At pick up, families should bring their authorized card to show the staff member at the playground gate. The staff member will radio for the child, who will meet the parent at the gate.

School Bus

TESG also offers free school bus transportation for students. These buses pick children up and drop them off at community stops. It is the family’s responsibility to get their child(ren) to and from those community stops. Community stops are determined based on information provided to the school in the enrollment packets and are established in June for the following school year. A schedule of approximate pick up and drop off times at each community stop can be seen here Updated 2022-2023 Bus Routes. Please arrive earlier than the scheduled time to ensure that pick up and drop off run smoothly. And please note that times and stops may be adjusted during the year due to actual ridership needs. As adjustments are made, you will be notified by email. Please be sure that you are subscribed to the mailing list and receiving emails from the school each Friday.

Please note that TESG’s responsibility for the student begins when they board the bus and ends when they exit it. As such, we can not offer child care at the community stops. Please plan to wait with your child for the bus in the mornings and ensure that someone is there to pick them up in the afternoons when the bus arrives. If no one is there to pick up a child at a community stop, the bus driver will take the child back to the school where they will wait with a staff member until an authorized individual arrives to pick them up. The family will be responsible for any costs associated with the bus returning to the school. If a child is returned to the school more than three times, the family must conference with the School Directors to determine what changes need to be made to the family’s transportation plan to ensure smooth transitions to and from school.

If your transportation needs change during the school year, please discuss those needs with the Office Manager. Our buses can only transport a certain number of students, so if you change routes or begin using the service without previously registering for it, you may be displacing another student already registered to use the service. We will work to accommodate your changing needs. Similarly, if you decide that you no longer need bus service, please let us know so that we can keep an accurate count of available seats.

First Student will provide our bus service.